Monday, December 16, 2013

Roomie Shout Out


            My confidant. My roomie.  My backbone.  My walk-around-Prague buddy.  My wine drinking partner.  My secret-keeper.  My advice giver.  My tea party date.  My non-cuddler.  My best friend. My Mitch.
            Where would I be without you?  I literally cannot even imagine what this trip would've been like without you here.  I am so blessed to have had you on this amazing journey with me.  When I met you the first day of freshman year I could’ve never imagined what our future would hold!  So many people advise against going abroad with their best friend, let alone living with them abroad, but we are absolutely the exception to the rule.  Words cannot describe how happy I was to have you by my side for the passed 4 months.
            You were my little piece of home that kept me from getting homesick.  You were the person I could talk to about High Point stuff that would actually understand me.  You literally know me better than anyone else.  You keep me grounded.  You remind me who I am when I sometimes forget.  You see the best in me.  You remind me that I always deserve the best.
            We battled through Jan, Jan, and Jiri’s classes and we surprisingly made it out alive. I wish we were able to travel together more, but that made each of our experiences so unique.  Anywhere I traveled in Europe I was always the most excited to come back to you in our tiny room in the insane asylum in Prague.

Thanks for teaching me:
  •       That shopping is always the solution
  •       Any time of the day is tea time
  •        A complete wardrobe doesn’t need any color besides black
  •        It’s never to early to start blasting Christmas music
  •        Eating oreo spread straight from the jar is totally acceptable
  •        Too many bananas isn’t a thing... unless you have too too many and get nerve damage
  •        Watching movies in our warm room is better than getting sloppy at the club.

I look forward to the many more adventures we will encounter in our last few years of college and our life beyond that. I can’t wait to have weekly Starbucks dates at High Point and hopefully after we graduate.  I can’t wait to be neighbors in Brentwood, Tennessee.  I can’t wait to plan your wedding.  I can’t wait to see you be a successful fashion magazine editor.  Even as the memories of our European experience fade, I will never forget the fact that I wouldn’t have wanted to be here with anyone else but you.
I know there’s so much that I’m forgetting to say, but if I write anything else I’m going to get too emotional.  I’m a sap.  So thank you for being the best study abroad buddy I could possibly ask for.  Thanks for always letting me borrow your clothes.  Thanks for embracing every weird thing about me (wearing a giraffe to bed every night, abbreviating everything, singing in the shower, etc.).  Thank you for always being there for me during this incredible semester that I will never ever forget.  You’re like a sister to me and I will love you forever.

Love Always,

Day 1: London

Our first dinner in Prague

First night out on the town!

Drunken Monkey Bar Crawl

Amazing trip to Budapest

Wine tasting in Moravia

3rd wheeling Mitch & Phil's date

Mitch, Me, and G-Man

1 comment:

  1. looks like you had great time in prague. where did you study in prague? i'd spent my semester in unyp, and i've met there so many great people.
